“Source:- Livemint”
India’s public cloud deployments is poised to become an $8 billion industry in 2023, says a combined report by Google Cloud and Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

The business efficiencies and growth resulting from public cloud deployments also have the potential to create up to 240,000 jobs and impact another 743,000 jobs through second order effects from 2019 to 2023.

Of the 240,000 direct jobs, around 157,000 will be in digital and technology-related roles such as data scientists, product managers, engineering, design, user experience and infrastructure management jobs with cloud service providers, IT service providers and across industry verticals. Another 83,000 direct roles will be related to core business functions (marketing, finance, operations etc.) across industry verticals, the study said.

India’s digital-native businesses and media and entertainment companies are the biggest drivers of public cloud adoption. Retail and consumer goods players are also increasingly exploring opportunities to digitize and develop capabilities in artificial intelligence and machine learning enabled by the public cloud.

“Traditional retailers are expanding into e-commerce to capture digital and omnichannel revenue growth, and they’re turning to the public cloud to help them scale up quickly and handle peak loads during special sales like Diwali,” said Rick Harshman, managing director of Google Cloud in Asia Pacific.